Monday, December 5, 2011

My Journey (Thus far) to blogging

Since Childhood I have loved to write, though other 9 year old girls were happy to get Barbies under their tree each year, I was elated when, on occasion, I found Journals, Diaries and Stationary... I doubt I would ever consider writing as a profession, it's a passion, but only because I enjoy it, ... I believe the pressure associated with professional writing; Deadlines, Publishing, etc would interfere with the pleasure aspect (at least for me).
over the last couple months, I have been hunting down Blog Giveaways and entering a few each day ...I love it. In the process of stalking  blogs such as One Smiley Monkey & Cloth Diaper Contests & Giveaways  and websites like Prizey  & giveaways4prizes I  have found SO MANY amazing Blogger mama's and wonderful green or otherwise family friendly blogs containing relevant info and stories that matter or relate to MY family. I have also found many great Green and Crunchy and all round wonderful companies and WAHM - Run Small Businesses...Not to mention I occasionally WIN something! - Who Doesn't LOVE to win?  I love the Relationship between bloggers and both Larger companies and smaller WAHM artisans...It is because many of these blogs and companies and small businesses that we took the 'plunge' and decided to cloth Diaper (see my upcoming blog post 'My Journey to Cloth Diapering')
Stay tuned for Craft projects, Upcycling projects, Green Living tips, Recipes , funny stories and hopefully GIVEAWAYYYSSS... until then Enjoy the links I posted above !
PS. follow @darkkrystyl on twitter (My personal twitter account - which I ONLY use to tweet about giveaways - All are CAN friendly (I am canadian so generally don't enter US only giveaways (unless it's by accident) if you are in US double check on the giveaway rules on each specific blog before entering - some are CAN only
Peace & Love,


  1. Entering giveaways is addicting. I have found so many different sites that I love and it's getting hard to keep up with who I want to visit each week. I wish I had discovered this years ago!

    Also, I liked you back on FB and I'm following you on Twitter @ourvirginiahome.

  2. I love cloth! We decided to cloth with my youngest and it is totally addictive! I too love a good giveaway, but I find myself getting confused when people have so many "you must do this for this many points" type of things. I understand the need to get traffic up, but it gets overwhelming at times. Here's to happy blogging and many, many followers :)
